Two- and three-dimensional analysis of Bose-Einstein correlations in π+/K+p interactions at 250 GeV/c

N. M. Agababyan*, M. R. Atayan, M. Charlet, J. Czyzewski, E. A. De Wolf, K. Dziunikowska, A. M F Endler, Z. Sh Garutchava, H. R. Gulkanyan, R. Sh Hakobyan, J. K. Karamyan, D. Kisielewska, W. Kittel, S. S. Mehrabyan, Z. V. Metreveli, E. C. Oliveira, K. Olkiewicz, F. K. Rizatdinova, E. K. Shabalina, L. N. SmirnovaM. D. Tabidze, L. A. Tikhonova, A. V. Tkabladze, A. G. Tomaradze, F. Verbeure, S. A. Zotkin

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28 Scopus citations


The NA22 data on π-π- correlations are analyzed in terms of a number of two- and three-dimensional parametrizations (Gaussian space-time, Goldhaber, Bowler string-like, Bertsch hydrodynamical, Kopylov-Podgoretskiǐ, etc.). Contrary to the results obtained for e+e- and μp collisions, the Goldhaber parametrization, as well as string-like models, fail in describing the hadron-hadron data. Better fits are obtained in the framework of surface-emitting fireball-like models, both when including and excluding hydrodynamical expansion of nuclear matter. Our results indicate that pion radiation occurs at earlier stages of matter evolution than in nuclear collisions.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)405-414
Number of pages10
JournalZeitschrift fur Physik C-Particles and Fields
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jul 1996

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)


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