Use of Tablet PCs to Enhance Instruction and Promote Group Collaboration in a Course to Prepare Future Mathematics Specialists

A. J. Ellington, J. H. Wilson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource. This article details the use of tablet PCs in a mathematics content course for future Mathematics Specialists. Instructors used tablet PCs instead of a traditional whiteboard to capture demonstration and discussion. Students were grouped for collaborative problem solving and exploration exercises. Each group was provided with a tablet PC for recording their solutions. Some of these solutions were then presented for whole-class discussion. The digital product resulting from class sessions was made available to students for out-of-class use. End-of-course surveys show that the use of tablet PCs enhanced the pedagogical impact of the course and perhaps even changed the way in which some students approached the content. In this article, the authors describe the initiative to train Mathematics Specialists in Virginia and the specific course in which tablet PCs were used. They go on to describe the manner in which the tablet PCs were used in the classroom. Finally, they present anecdotal and survey results which measure the success of the use of this technology in the Mathematics Specialist classroom.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)92-105
JournalMathematics and Computer Education
StatePublished - 2011


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