Why Others? Philanthropy as Opportunity

Etienne Eichenberger, Karin Jestin, Thierry Lombard, Maurice Machenbaum, Matthieu Ricard, John L Ward

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Why Others? summarizes the many questions which individuals and families need to ask themselves when turning to philanthropy. Why should I give? To whom? What for? How much? Alone or with my family? Each case is different of course, but there are principles which are valid for any giving. The art of giving, consists both in meeting the needs of the beneficiaries and in fulfilling the expectations of the donors who are giving their time or money. Why Others? is written to help you to discover philanthropy for what it is: a means to shape a better future by acting in the present.
Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherFamily Business Consulting Group Publications
Number of pages127
ISBN (Print)9781891652257
StatePublished - 2009


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